This one maybe...? From Newport's scriipts
Yersinia_pestis_23 - Updated:2010-03-13
Yersenia pestis aka Bubonic/Pneumonic plague - used as Biological Weapon
Date: 1/7/2010 5:39:34 PM ( 65 d ) ... viewed 120 times
2010-03-13: Added back Kill frq, it is substantially faster and during a flare up speed counts
2010-02-26: Added sweeps to cover tissue density
New frq uses Nucleic Acid instead for far better penetration.
program c backfreq b 0 0
# Title: Yersenia pestis aka Bubonic/Pneumonic plague - used as Biological Weapon
# Bubonic: flea bites, swollen, tender lymph glands (called buboes) and fever, headache, chills, and weakness.
# Septicemic: bacteria multiply in the blood, fever, chills, prostration, abdominal pain, shock, and bleeding into the skin and other organs
# Pneumonic: occurs when Y.pestis infects the lungs. This type of plague can spread from person to person through the air (Chemtrails)
# Common: fever, rash, fatigue, depression, mania, Lead toxicity is an issue
# NOTE: See HSV-3:
# Implicated: YP is implicated as a carrier of S.epidermidis, #8 in
label 0
label YP.Kill # Skip if no active infection is present
dwell 300 # Kill is faster than Nucleic Acid, so run first if actively infected
duty 50
vpulse 1 .333 50
1153.1111 # Mitochondrial
pulse 0 0
label 1
label YP.Nucleic_Acid
duty 82.4
repeat 41
dwell 9
sweep 6665555.5555 6665555.5655 .01 # Nucleic Acid, dowsing, die off will take time but it does cover all life cycle stages
end repeat
label 2
label HSV3.Toxin # The last two stages of YP will create HSV3 (zoster) toxin as they die which could take +3hrs
duty 50
repeat 7
dwell 9
sweep 7677000.3333 7677000.4333 .1 # It will finish off those two stages of YP so no HSV3 viral toxin is created
end repeat