I find some of these skeptical posts pretty sad regarding Parhatsathid Nabadulung. Still, I guess its your own cynical choice -- opinions from people who haven't really got a clue.
But what the hell does anyone know about how to successfully treat Candida here on this forum?
Nope, and I couldn't give a damn either.
I had Candida for over ten years, sort of creeps up on you and gets worse and worse --- you know what I mean ? -- more and more symptoms, gets worse and worse, oral thrush then you get cutaneous Candida then intestinal Candida and Lord knows what other symptoms and ailments. Yes, been there, done that. Then the intestinal candida goes systemic and gets into the blood and into the organs and it just blossoms. Did you know that? Well go figure...In my own stupidity(...just like the many idiot skeptics here) I thought it was old age creeping up on me -- I was in my late 50s at the time -- but, hell, what did I know?
Just like all you Candida sufferers out there, I would like to help, but I'm really not interested in the abuse and blaze of skeptisism out there. Who needs that sort of flak? Anyone who thinks that there is one pill or a magic bullet out their which cures Systemic Candida had better wake up fast -- don't make me laugh!! There is no easy way, it takes a hell of alot of will power. It means a radical change in lifestyle. Anyone feeling brave? I'm talking about diet here. If you eat chemically processed crap for 30 years, you will get ill. And curing bacterial and viral problems are a breeze compared to fungal problems. Fungal problems are the hardest to cure by a long streak -- they always persist -- because fungii are very intelligent and tough organisms that know how to survive and adjust to their environment.
I followed Parhasathid's advice to the letter -- I alkalized, I attacked the root cause of the problem using his remedies -- removal of heavy metals, removal of halides, lack of iodine, lack of magnesium, excessive calcium in the body causing acid body, excess sugar, vegetable oils and aspartame in my diet, completely changed my diet, built up my immune system, successful herbal remedies, natural fungal attack remedies, treating and supporting the whole body terrain as well as treating and healing the immune system. I really learnt a hell of alot. Many diseases can be cured with this approach. You have to learn to understand the remedies otherwise you just end up as a lazy, incompetent, blurbing cynic who feels that he must give baseless opinions based on the vast empty vacuum between his ears. But all that hot air and ego wont cure your candida will it??
Hell, I really couldn't care less whether you believe this or not. Furthermore Parhatsathid Nabadalung never asks for money -- I know this because he helped me directly when a mate of mine was stricken with cancer -- for nothing. Yes, that's right, he has his own form of cancer cure which works. No, I'm not going to tell you. Stick to your cynicism and your doctor -- lucky you -- learn on your own or fail. I don't need the hassle.
If you want some education, then you will have to spend years researching exactly how the medical fraternity are embedded in their Germ Theory. Simply explained, the Germ theory pronounces the following: One germ-->one disease-->one cure. What crap !!
Type "Terrain Theory Beachamp" in Google and start learning. This is where Parhatsathid Nabadulung -- a University educated biochemist and microbiologist who has worked for many years in the US food and medical industry has learnt his craft. He really didn't like what he saw in America regarding food and drugs, so he gave it all up and with his knowledge he became a successful healer in Thailand who prefers to stay under the radar in Bangkok. If the FDA and WTO ever knew of the successes he has had, they would probably try and kill him.
Bye the way, out of the blue last month Parhatsathid Nabadulung was attacked for no reason in Bangkok and pushed through a store window and suffered serious head injuries. He healed himself and he's back.
So, to all of you skeptical Candida sufferers out there, you have my deepest sympathies. And yes, I know how to cure systemic candida now -- I cured myself of systemic candida. Took a year to cure, all gone now. That was 5 years ago and I've since helped people with gout, candida, arthritis, gallstones, cancer, liver problems, arrythmias, constipation etc using Ted's approach. All my learning has come from Parhatsathid Nabadulung because he always tries to find the root cause of the problems -- to actually heal the problem not just treat the symptom. In auto-immune diseases like candida, obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis etc the doctors always say that there is no known cure and happily medicate you for life -- with some horrific drugs side-effects. This fits their business model doesn't it? After all, it makes far more money and sense if someone takes their recommended medications for the rest of their life doesn't it? And what profit is their in a cure where you only take the medication and drugs for only a month or two?
But of course you trust your doctor implicitly , don't you ?
Because they KNOW medicine and they are the EXPERTS, right ?
Well lucky you. But, nevertheless, you're still stuck with your ongoing candida problems and a positively dumb, uneducated trust in your doctor aren't you?
So anyway, good luck with the Nystatin...LOL...
And I also wish you luck with your idiotic, baseless and superficial 'opinions' on Parhatsathid Nabadulung. He has helped inumerable people with many serious ailments. He is also a poor man, not much money.
So what's your excuse, Ace ?
You have some very peculiar views on Sodium Bicarbonate, which perhaps shows some lack of research on your part. Anyway here is a post I put up on Earth Clinic a long while ago to explain why bicarbonates are so body friendly:
The purpose of this post is to put people's fears to rest and to illustrate that Sodium Bicarbonate (aka Bicarbonate of Soda or Baking Soda) is a natural body-friendly chemical.
* The human body needs bicarbonates as part of its homeostasis mechanism to help alkalize the body and maintain body fluids within a healthy pH zone. Contrary to much current thinking, the body is not perfect at achieving homeostasis -- particularly if the body is sick with a depressed immune system.
* Despite present day fears to the contrary, the body needs Sodium which is a major and essential constituent and electrolyte of the blood serum. Sodium is essential in maintaining the absorbtion and transfer of nutrients and minerals between blood and cells using the sodium pump and sodium symporter networks throughout the body.
* Bicarbonates are needed and secreted by the pancreas in the duodenum to neutralize the hydrochloric acid from the stomach chyme at mealtimes, in order to allow the next phase of digestion in the duodenum, whose medium must be neutral to alkaline for the duodenal digestive enzymes to work properly.
* Bicarbonates are an essential aid in the human respiration energy cycle, which helps in the process of swapping carbon dioxide and oxygen during respiration at the cellular level.
* Before the 1930s, Baking Soda in solution on its own was recommended by Doctors to cure stomach digestion problems, flu and colds and was also used as toothpaste. The dosages recommended in these times were much larger are than recommended on this site.
Sodium Bicarbonate is currently widely used in the Medical profession as defined here:
* As an IV infusion as a flush or buffer for cancer chemotherapy.
* For women in labour.
* For Metabolic Acidosis as a serum alkalizer.
* As an alkalinizing agent in prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation and in the treatment of certain drug intoxicants.
* As a hydration agent for Radiographic contrast dyes.
* Supplementation for Renal Tubular Acidosis.
* As treatment for pulmonary hypertension in newborn babies.
* As a treatment for Diabetic Keto-Acidosis.
* As treatment for hyperkalemia (excess potassium)
As for your opinions concerning the dangers and problems caused to the stomach by taking Sodium Bicarbonate, this is another reminder of your lack of appreciation or understanding in how to actually use BS properly. Of course, if you take BS at mealtimes this WILL neutralize the stomach acids and cause indigestion upset. However, if you are eating a very acid diet -- for instance mixing fruit juices with meats or proteins at mealtimes -- then the second stage alkaline digestion in the the duodenum may not happen because the pancreas might not have enough alkaline bicarbonates to neutralize both the stomach acids AND the acid foods eaten for the main duodenal alkaline digestion to occur -- and problems will arise and compound due to the constant acid diet over the longer term leading to acid intestines and problems like IBS --> Colitis --> Candida --> Leaky Gut --> Allergies etc. That's why, if you are eating acid foods, adding a little Sodium Bicarbonate -- say 1/16 to 1/8 tspn to your drinking water at mealtimes, will help to neutralize the excess acid from the food to allow proper and balanced alkaline digestion in the duodenum to occur later.
If you take BS outside mealtimes in the correct amounts and concentrations -- no harm should arise. In fact, outside mealtimes when your stomach is empty, no harm should come to your stomach and the Sodium Bicarbonate will not be neutralized by stomach HCL because, after a meal, all the HCL is either re-absorbed by the stomach or is neutralized by bicarbonates secreted by the stomach lining itself(that's right, the stomach also produces SB). Also, all the mucus from the lungs, throat and nose accumulates in the stomach, and helps to protect the stomach lining against acid damage. So, if you take Sodium Bicarbonate outside mealtimes, it will not be neutralized or should not cause any problems whatsoever in the stomach.
Similarly, the SB can be taken about an hour or so after eating a meal -- when the food has left the stomach and moved into the duodenum for alkaline digestion. By taking SB like this, an hour after a meal, aids and reinforces the digestion by ensuring proper alkalization of the digestive juices to ensure proper main stage digestion in the duodenum. SB can be used like this if bicarbonaets are lacking in the pancreatic juices. Yet nother way of using Sodium bicarbonate.
Most people think that stomach acid reflux is due to excess acid in the stomach. This is not true, in fact directly opposite is usually the case -- to little stomach acid is usually the cause -- and here's why. The oesophageal sphincter at the top opening to the stomach has biological sensors that detect acid pH or strength. If the stomach acid is at the correct strength and amounts -- the sphincter closes properly and you do not get reflux. But if the acid strength levels and acid amounts in the stomach are too low then the sphincter will not fully close and you get reflux. In such a case, taking Betaine Hydrochloride tablets or even a tablespoon or two of ACV in water at mealtimes would help to fix this low acidity problem. To actually heal the lack of stomach HCL -- taking sea salt in water and kelp tablets between meals will help to encourage and regenerate the necessary stomach HCL to proper levels. As an aside, most people who get reflux take antacid tablets -- which is problably the worse thing in the world that you could possibly take for reflux problems and just makes it all so much worse.
You can also disagree all you like with the above facts and reasoning on the usefulness of Sodium Bicarbonate, but fortunately I've been using SB like this for over five years and have proved all this to myself. So it really doesn't matter if you don't believe the reasoning. All I can say is that it works and SB has considerable multi-use in the body as I have demonstrated and, clearly, you are completely unware of these presented facts. But to be able to use SB properly in the body also calls for some understanding of fairly simple chemistry and body metabolic mechanisms. And I am afraid that, regarding the latter, you've got some considerable mental legwork to do here in order to adequately equate and justify your own somewhat strange SB beliefs towards more sufficient logical reasoning, which should be based on commonly proven and held biological and chemical facts -- something which is so sadly lacking in your own unsubstantiated views and beliefs on SB and alkalizing.