Hello all!
I have been reading this forum (again) for the past three days. I have found a lot of insight and information here that has helped me already in my Master Cleanse. Since I am only on day 4, I am still experiencing a little bit of hunger (totally psychological, I'm sure), and having some issues with headaches (I am prone to them b/c of a neck injury). I am hoping this cleanse will help me with the headache. I am in the Army, and I can't exactly tell my co-workers or higher ranking folks what I'm doing, as they would totally freak out. My husband is totally supportive of me though. I am glad this forum exists so that I can perhaps get some positive reinforcement and feedback.
I have done this cleanse in the past and only been on it for 10 days. I am hoping to go more than that this time. I am not going to set a 40-day goal right now, but it is a definite and very likely possibility. I don't want to set a long-term goal like that and then feel like a loser if I don't make it. So I'm going to go to 10 days, and then set some short-term goals from there.
I know that my body likes to be at about 150 pounds, at least, that is the weight it went to the last time I did this cleanse. If that is still the case, by the end of my cleanse, I should have dropped about 30 pounds. If that isn't the case, well then, at least I will have gotten the nasties out of my system, and be ready to re-embark on my raw vegan lifestyle. I was raw vegan for about a year 4 years ago, and when I joined the Army I had to switch to ovo-lacto vegetarian. Since then I have put on weight and become a 'junk food' vegetarian. I needed to jump start my healthy lifestyle again, so I have decided to do this cleanse. Any feedback from the cleansers on this forum would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much! Oh, and Pepe, I have enjoyed reading your posts and the information I have gotten from them. It has helped me to keep my head on straight when I started to get crazy expectations.
Well, the weekend was a little crazy, but I made it through! Hubby and I went to the Natural Foods store and bought more syrup yesterday, as the 32 oz. I had went the way of the dodo on Sunday morning. Thank goodness the store is only about 20 minutes away Hopefully, the rest of the week will go as smoothly as last week did. There is some tension at work, brought about by the fact that I am basically being forced to exercise 3 times a day, and the rest of the office is supposed to be in at 0800 and because I'm in a special PT (Physical Training) program in the mornings with the company's senior enlisted (1SG), I can't get here until nearly 0900. My higher enlisted are having kittens because they feel like I'm disregarding what THEY say, even though the 1SG outranks them by....oh....A LOT! So, I'm getting flack for following the orders given to me by the highest ranking person in the company...so not fair OR right. So, I'm dealing with that right now. It's a bit disheartening, and the temptation to eat is HUGE, but I'm making TONS of progress in my cleanse, so I don't want to screw that up. Even with all this crap, my mood is upbeat and positive (for the most part), and I feel totally energized. I hope it stays this way, although I am expecting a bit of difficulty with the later days of the cleanse when the emotional stuff starts coming out. But I will deal with that as it happens, and not anticipate negativity (too much, hehe).
I know I'm rambling a bit, but it is good for me to let this stuff out, especially in a forum (hehe) where there is no judgement or expectations or preconceived notions of how a soldier should think/feel/do. As supportive as my husband is, he is also a former senior enlisted and he has the (sometimes annoying) ability to see these kinds of situations from all perspectives. This is good...and bad. It is good, because he helps me see stuff from an NCO's point of view; and bad because he can see stuff from an NCO's point of view ROFL But he can also see it from my point of view. Daggum devil's advocate....
Anyway, I will stop this torture for now and let you good folks get on with your day. I originally only wanted to post taht day 7 had begun and the weekend was great...yeah. It kind of turned into a rant/vent/dump session. Sorry about that. Keep cleansing and stay positive!
Peace, Love, and Hair Grease!