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I am an experienced faster and used to do super long fasts but it's been over a year for me. My body wants to fast, I feel I need to fast, I want to fast for many reasons but I cannot deal with the throbbing, pulsating headcahes!
I have tried preparing by colon cleansing and keeping myself regular and hydrated, detox teas to help with detox symptoms..but the pulsating headaches are just awful. Throbbing, pulsating pain around my eye, eyebrow and one side of my head and just regular headache=y. I was even doing Colonix before this so I was pretty cleaned out in that area.
Odd thing is that that once I ate chocolate when the pain started.. IT STOPPED and didn't come back! So you would think some kind of
Sugar withdrawl but I even tried doing
The Master Cleanse and that's a pretty sugary drink right there.. it didn't help but a stupid chocolate candy bar did. What gives?!!
I have tried to just deal with the headaches and keep myself hydrated and making sure I have good bowel movements and peeing clear.. to flush toxins out..but it does NOT help. I can only last a day or 2. I cannot take a week out of work to get myself into the fasting state and I cannot do my job with a throbbing, pulsating painful headache because it is that bad.
Everything else I can handle. I can handle a
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) in the morning and getting that out of the way for work but not the Headaches during work!
Has anyone else experienced this and found something to help get rid of it? there's got to be something to help it. Even if it is detox, it's not a good enough reason for me to deal with the pain and lose my job over it. I cannot function with this kind of pain. I miss the way I felt while fasting and after a fast. But taking a week or so out of work just is not possible. I already had a 4 day weekend due to the holiday and the headaches just did not go away.