click on the
Iodine Answers link for this forum and read through some of those topics.
check out this site for the companion nutrients and read about bromide detox
I am not a fan of mag oxide
I think there are better choices like mag malate or mag glycintae
here is a recent post from just a few days ago regarding bromide detox:
some people don't do well on salt only salt flush
some people have no detox symptoms, but you want to be prepared if you do
search this forum for detox or bromide detox or fluoride detox
if you like numbers and are a bit anal retentive like me you might appreciate doing a
Iodine loading test and also testing your Bromide level as baseline. This helped me stick with
Iodine because once I found out my Bromide was high and continues to be high it gives me reason to stick with the Iodine because otherwise it would be easy to drop it like so many other things that haven't worked for me.
Hakala Labs
FFP Labs
keep reading and searching here
there is a lot to learn
and the more you learn the better you are prepared
my personal recommendation would be get a bottle of Iodoral (since you are leaning that way now....there are other choices as you will learn here) the 90 tablet 12.5mg. Start taking 1/2 tablet for 4-6 days.
see how that goes
if no problem
go up to 12.5mg/day
do that for a week or so
if no problem go up to 25mg/day
do that for a week or so
if handling that
go up to 50mg/day
that is a conservative suggested start
there are other ways of course
you have to decide what feels right to you and start there
and of course get the companion nutrients in there right away.
keep reading
ask questions here as you need....
in good health!