Ultrasound examination vary a great deal depending upon the equipment used and the skill of the examiner. If the machine was the normal type the sensor will have been used on the outside of your abdomen. There are also ultra sound sensors that can examine the gallbladder from the stomach wall; ie, inside.
In general terms ultra sound is good enough to detect all
Gallstones that reflect sound including cholesterol gallstones. In addition it can detect biliary sludge and also measure the diameter of the common bile duct which is an indicator of gallstone activity. However, the definition of a cholesterol
Gallstones varies greatly between surgeons and other health carers. Soft cholesterol
Gallstones caused by the clumping together of bile have the same consistency as bile and will be invisible on ultra sound, whereas mature cholesterol gallstones that become plasticised by proteins will be visible. Surgeons usually only classify mature gallstones as true gallstones. There are also composite stones. In the main (90%) the ultra sound will find stones and sludge.
You should have also been told is there was any signs of sludge and finally told the diameter of the common bile duct. The greater the diameter the greater the chance of gallstone activity.
The ultrasound doesn't tell you anything about your digestion and whether the cholesterol level of the bile is high, the bile salts are low or whether the gallbladder contracts properly.