I don't post much but this thread I read about being nervous in the morning, made me laugh and inpspired me, I had to write the following. I'm so curious to see if all of you can relate to this. This is to me, is what candida feels like at its worst, when you are at your worst..
The day prior you were exhausted and stressed at work till about lunch time. So much so, in fact that even walking across the room required energy that you had to reach for, and you even had a mild anxiety attack doing nothing more than sitting in a chair? You pushed through the day, as always, and for some reason when you got home you didn't feel that bad. You ate late, watched TV, got a little sleepy at 9:30 but didn't go to sleep. You felt kind of wired even though you had no caffine or anything, from 11:00pm - 1:30 am as you lie awake frustrated and angry that you can't sleep even though you know your body is physically and mentally spent, till you finally fall asleep.
You wake in the morning somehow before your alarm goes off. Something from within you actually "startled" you from a sound sleep to alertness for no reason. You feel as though you were kind of shaken or jabbed internally into immediate consciousness. You feel alert in the sense that you know you cannot go back to sleep as if cortizol has been released or something, yet exhausted as well. Anything goes wrong at this point, such as not finding your keys or even the thought of being 1 minute late for work will easily start the cycle of worry and hurry. You walk outside. The morning sun seems so bright, too bright. You go back into the living room to look for your keys but as soon as you pass the kitchen, being distracted by basically nothing, you find yourself in the living room wondering why you just walked into that room? You drive to work and you notice that your vision seems a kind of blurry, and your peripheral vision might seem reduced. Your eyes may appear somewhat "glassy" to people at work and skin pale, except for dark circles under the eyes.
If anything goes even kinda wrong at this point your day will be wrecked because you are already predominantly "uncomfortable". You don't want to talk to anyone. You don't want to sit through a meeting. You just want to be alone with your pop-tart for awhile. That's really the only thing that seems fun, I guess, at this point. In the short term, every minute is miserable. In the long-run? Everything unachievable. You feel completely uncomfortable in your own skin and the only thing that will appease you is the snack machine. Thank goodness the snack machine is there because you are on the candida diet and you don't normally pack things like pop-tarts around with you.
Has anyone had a day like this?? ... Horrible.
I don't mean to laugh, having a day like this is serious business because if you have lots of days like this, the underlying problems are likely pretty severe and the cycle so hard to break. Balance and peace of mind can seem impossible to restore. And as much as I hate to admit it, I've had many mornings like this myself.
I guess the thread I read about being nervous in the morning really struck a chord with me, because to me, mornings tell the whole story better than any lab test.