do you mean you have been tested and found to have both gonorrhea and chlamydia. I would try bio defender, 3 bottles - it is good for fungus and I have a formula from a herbalist said to be effective for Chlamydia and may be for gonorrhea as well, that is buchu 20ml, sage 10ml, goldenrod 20, olive leaf extract 20, garlic 20, cleavers 10, and separately with some bach flowers hornbeam, willow and holly to help for emotions and pain - these have to be taken up to maximum 10ml twice daily but i would take 3times daily as usually other hebalists recommend and i would add pure virgin cocconut oil for the lauric acid; and if not work, this formula andrographis 20,baptisia 25, apium 25, echinacea 25, hydrastis 5, 5ml three times daily before meals. I have found in internal saying that Pipsissewa is good for Gonerrhea.
you must have had the formula from ihow that grapefruit seed extract and grapes seed, vitamin C + MSM , Culantra and garlic good for sinusis.
you can get herbs from
or artemis herb 20%alcohol - try the lowest alcohol content or none the better. interaction I dont know but I would try herbs first then orthodox drugs for you might have inflammation after zithromax as I had for long time. and you have fungus and want one to hit two birds. Reichi is like antihistamine and cat's claw is for allergy/inflammation antifungal and bacterial. IF i were you i would try all the best herbs first and then doctor's drugs and please let us know for results as testemonial, herbs have no side effect as said. You know why there is epedimy - doctors do not tell the truth! they did that to me terribly and took a lot of money from me and yet they deny that i have something. I cannot rist to try the herbs for i am infected in the eye and i live a way for any experience herbalist and here in cureZure helpless with too little testemonial - why is this? BAD egoistic people want to earn money on our suffering; it is a big industry indeed and good money. But desease will reach them too for they are not gods and can't protect themselves at the end at all.