Over several months I've done 1-2 dozen flushes. Never had any problem. Never got sick. Did this time. My ususal breakfast is oatmail and apples. Didn't have any apples, so I ate a banana. That was my only change in routine. Anyway, an hour after I laid down, I developed some extreme hiccups. So I was up walking around really being stirred up. Did get to sleep. Woke up around 7, very naseauos and ended up vomiting a great deal of thick dark brown oily liquid. Yuck. Now, if bile is green and the oil is yellow. Why this mess, this color? How could it have just sat there in my stomach/upper intestines all night without moving on. My first bowel movement of the morning (9pm) semi-normal, not the ususal diahrea. No stones. After 2 minor watery movements later in the day, with no results, it wasn't until 5 o'clock that I acually got a few stones, just a few. The biggest about 1/2
inch. Dark green. Broke it open. Not homogenous. Was peppered with white specks about a 1/32
inch. I would note that I have been in a lot of abdominal distress for weeks, now. Actually, dont feel too bad at the moment, just have to monitor closely. The best thing however, I was able to shed a quick 5 pounds.