this is a really odd one, at the moment waiting for our first HUMAWORM to arrive. Has anyone else had symptoms that along with pale face, black eyes, irregular appetite (sometimes v hungry then can't face food) sore broken skin on hands and feet, bringing up nasty things in saliva including blood, itching, diarreah and constipation and severe fatigue, to name a few of the typical symptoms of parasites we are having. My little girls have both got an ongoing discomfort with their outer vagina areas. My 4 year old frequently gives herself a relieving scrath there regardless of where we are or who we are with as a 4 year old would :) and my 2 year old is also very sensitive down there at the moment and cries out when I try to clean her there when changing her nappy (diaper?). My 4 year old has had a swab for all manner of things and that come back clear. However the opening of their vagina's seems to have gotten larger since they have been irritated down there, almost like it is melting! I am seriously concerned as this I don't think is a typical reaction? If anyone can help on this matter I would really appreciate it. thank you.