I've been using Gotu Kola for some time, but did run out awhile back so have had a break from it.
On the site i order my herbs from, it says it can be narcotic and not to use for longer than 6 weeks.
Hv, what is you stance on this?
Neither is true. The definition of a narcotic is a sleep inducing agent. Gotu kola does not induce sleep at normal doses. In fact it is a great source of B vitamins, which help with energy.
And you do not need to take breaks from it.
Thanks, I can order my herbs now, just needed to know the truth of the matter first.
Where do these people get their info!!
People can misconstrue findings. The narcotic effect is with massive doses, not with normal doses as I mentioned. But people read studies, which are often manipulated often through massive doses, and they try to apply this to normal doses. Here is an example I posted in an old post:
There was a study that claimed that chromium picolinate caused cancer. When you look at the actual study they had given the rats a dose equivalent of 6,000 times the level a human would take. Based on that reasoning we could conclude that all pharmaceutical drugs, beef, milk and even water are 100% fatal!!!!