I sure agree with you about Moritz' book. There is much excellent info in there, but the part about the flush - geeze, that would scare anybody off of flushes.
Regarding my first flush, about 5 years ago, I did no preparation at all. I did use some
Epsom Salt (which I hate and will never use again); I discharged a handful of greenish-yellow small stones the next morning. Also, I became nauseated during the night.
I have tried this and that, all kinds of flushes and preparations, and have a long way to go since I still feel "thick" in the liver area and still suffer from stagnation but I think I have finally - after 2 great flushes in a row - found the one I want to do, namely, Christopher Hobbs' 1 cup
OO (Olive-Oil) + 1 cup LJ, after 3 weeks of Gold Coin Grass tincture made by Julia Chang. To each his own and best wishes to you all in your search for great health.
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