This is a real doctor with some really valid points:
Gallstone Flush People who have gallstones, or think they have gallstones, are invited to "flush" them out by swallowing a concoction of 1/2 cup of olive oil, a big grapefruit, 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts, and three cups of water. It was a nice idea, and interesting things will appear in the toilet bowl soon after. But I'm afraid that they're not your gallstones. Here's why: Hulda Regehr Clark, the author of "The Cure for all Cancers" and "The Cure For HIV/AIDS" promotes this. Since she claims to have both a doctorate in naturopathy and a Ph.D. in something (the latter implying having done substantial original lab research), one would think she would have made an experiment with a real gallstone and discovered that it sinks. There's a nice photo, which she stole from my friend, pathologist Ed Klatt MD. She calls them "such small stones" though they're obviously 7-10 mm across. She thinks the stones she displayed formed in the liver and "rolled" into the gallbladder, which is silly. You see many more stones in the gallbladder because that's where bile is concentrated and stored; if they all "rolled" there from the liver, we'd see much more biliary colic. She says gallstones "can be of any color", which is a hoot. She also claims that the major cause of gallstones is wearing shoes. If you want to believe these people, that is your business. If you try the purge, please chew your grapefruit up thoroughly. Otherwise, you're asking for a gastic bezoar and a trip to the endoscopist to remove the obstruction. The other site, from Hulda Regehr Clark, is finally down (2010). Much of the material on these two sites was identical though it's not clear who has borrowed from who. I generated a good deal of excitement over this in 2002. The world is full of crooks. It's your money.
If you know a little basic chemistry, you'll realize what is happening. The Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, and the grapefruit contains some complex carbohydrates. When these slosh around in the stomach and small intestine, they'll form a tough film that will encase drops of olive oil. This will produce some yellowish balls that will float in the toilet.
Gallstone cleansing: The premiere site is now down.
Follow-up: April 2003. My notes on the gallstone flush have generated considerable "controversy". I look forward to a real surgeon taking these people on a visit to the surgical ward to see whether it's really true that 99% of people who pass a gallstone have no pain, or whether most gallstones sink or float in water. (The impurities make them heavy. They sink. If you have any doubts about who is massively ignorant, go ask any general surgeon or pathologist.) There are also photos, some of which appear to be real smooth faceted gallstones, and others showing shaggy surfaces that are obviously not gallstones. Instead of continuing to sling mud at me, these people should take somebody with ultrasonographically-proven gallstones, administer the "flush", and repeat the ultrasonogram. If there are now no gallstones, publish the finding in a non-refereed junk journal. The fact that nobody's done this invites the obvious conclusion. If you are presented with the physical results of a "gallstone flush", cut it in half. Real gallstones have concentric layers of colors often varying from pale yellow through black, sometimes with a center of radiating crystals.
A real doctor wow! Yes and connected directly to stephan Barret
Any proof to your claim?
He is nothing like Barrett, who ignores any and all evidence showing that alternatives are for real. He even states that the evidence for alternatives is growing. But he also finds that the liver flush proponets attack him as well without providing any proof to their claims as highlighted below.
I have no sponsors and do not host paid advertisements. All external links are provided freely to sites that I believe my visitors will find helpful.
I'm a board-certified anatomic and clinical pathologist and operator of the largest one-person medical information site on the web. As a pathologist, it's my job (among others) to examine tissue, tell what's the matter, and predict the behavior of the disease and response to therapy. Like most other pathologists, I'm extremely successful at this. Like most other pathologists, I take a lot of pride in this. (Call us arrogant if you like. I am an honest physician who engages in public debates. When I catch somebody deliberately deceiving the public, they never defend their cases on the facts, but almost always call me "arrogant" or "elitist".) And if I screw up even once, I'm in MAJOR trouble.
Unlike many M.D.'s, I'm open-minded about what's known as "alternative medicine", i.e., therapies that are not recognized by mainstream medicine. During the 1980's, I reviewed alternative medicine and found there was little to recommend. As the alternative medical community has responded to pressure to defend its claims by the usual methods of science, some areas have improved.
This site aims to let the public know what empirical evidence is available for various alternative remedies, especially studies published in refereed journals. This will enable people who must make decisions to rely on more than anecdotes and advertising.
lol I suppose because this guy has papers his word is godlike! lol he is on Barretts website thats close enough for me and others I'm sure!
That is like saying just because you have read Barrett's website you must be associated with Barrett. This doctor is nothing like Barrett.
Fact is all your proofs are just someones opinion I see no proof of anything! None of your cut and paste amount to anything at all!
Solid proof has been provided a number of times.
This isnt a court of law! I am simply informing others that the pathguy is a devoted alternative health basher
Is this why he is saying that many alternatives have scientific validity?
I know I got you when you use the desperate acronyms instead of reason! You know just as well as I do the the pathguy is a complete bought and paid for whore for establishment pharmaceutical medicine! Can you honestly deny that! He is pro cut burn and poison, he is pro vaccine, death jabs for infants , he would be all for bleeding the patient if it was a 100 years earlier! Beside pathologists are the Frankenstien's of the medical industry ,cadaverists who love to slice and dice dead people!
Again opinions are not fact. Do you have proof to your claims?
Wow I honestly thought you where going to try to defend this cadaverist to the hilt! Its hard to deny pathguy it a paid medical troll no different then stephan barret in his intentions!
That is simply your opinion, not fact. The fact that he admits that there is scientific evidence to alternative medicines already proves that he is not totally against alternatives.
It doesn't matter what I think, the facts are in on the pathguy , he is beyond any doubt a spokesman for the medical/pharmaceutical establishment
Still waiting for proof to your claim.