Don't do such thing, you need to heal your gut not to knock it off.
gapsdiet.com will help you tremendously. Do that before anything else. It's a lot of work and research that you need to do on your own and the healing comes slowly. Do not think that you will ever recover quick with a fasting, cleansing, etc. There's no easy fix for anything.
Run as fast as you can from curezone, this website is sponsored by all these guys that are teaching you to deworm, detox, de... something/ Before you know it you will be running in a circle like a fly without a head.
You'll get hooked to more detox, and more, and more, and you will keep buying a cure or another with no chance to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Do your homework, here's an article to start with
Then read as much as you can on weston price website about raw milk, vitamin A, etc.
All I can tell you is that I know a 27 year old man who ended up with two autoimmune disease for not really adressing the leaky gut syndrom and following the doctors protocol. These herbalists are same sort of the doctors, only they sell you "miracle herbs".
Best of luck!