practicing medical doctor with 30 years clinical experience. the letters M.D. after his name indicate that he went to medical school and is a licensed doctor.
LOL!!! Do you have any idea how man quacks have "M.D." after their name. Read some of my posts about things I have witnessed personally with these quacks. Such as the ones that killed my grandfather after making a number of errors. Or the quack who prescribed high doses of Lisinopril to a friend of mine that had normal blood pressure causing her to stroke. Then I had to explain to her 5 doctors why her blood pressure kept skyrocketing the bottoming out every few minutes since they could not figure it out. Or the M.D. quack who was giving Inderal to another friend of mine who had normal blood pressure. All of her symptoms were of low blood pressure from the drug, so the doctor decided to double the dose even though she only weighed about 90 pounds. I warned her that the dose he wanted to put her on would kill her. So she talked to two pharmacists that also told her that the dose would kill her. So she went to a doctor out of state that told her that the dose would kill her and took her off the Inderal altogether. As soon as she was off the drug her symptoms stopped. Or the doctor that tried to intubate a patient while still awake (first mistake) and was using the laryngoscope improperly. Instead of using it to pull the tongue back he kept ramming it down the patient's throat (second mistake). He ended up slicing the inside of the patient's throat wide open!!!! And that was an ER doctor. I can sit her all night giving you examples of MD mistakes I have personally witnessed. So if you think posting some nutcases website that has an MD after their name is going to impress me or make me think that they are somehow automatically credible you are way off base. There is a really good reason that they say medical doctors "practice" medicine.
there are also some very convincing testimonials on his website.
I did not have to read beyond this line to see that he es not know what he is talking about:
"Viral infections can be reversed by getting IV vitamin C at a level of at least 100 grams a day for about five days."
First of all the only way this is going to cure a viral infection is if it kills the patient. Secondly this is a VERY DANGEROUS practice. He is talking about 100,000mg of vitamin C. Yet the body can only utilize between 500-1,000mg of vitamin C at one time. The rest is broken down in to toxic oxalic acid in the body, which is not only highly irritating to the tissues, but can also lead to calcium oxalate stones.
In addition, I have posted on the instability of synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) numerous times. Once exposed to moisture the ascorbic acid is decomposed within 40 minutes. Exposure to light through the clear IV bags further accelerates the breakdown. It takes a lot of IV solution to dilute 100,000mg of ascorbic acid down to a level where the acidity will not directly damage the vein. And it takes way longer than the 40 minutes maximum needed to break down the ascorbic acid to infuse this much solution. In other words the vast majority of what will be infused will be toxic oxalic acid, not ascorbic acid. Quackery at its finest!!!!