No lie... the exact same thing happened to me.
I have Lyme as well.. and when I treat for parasites... during the die-off I have vivid dreams and recollections from my childhood. It's very eery.
The best way I can describe some of my herxes... are... right before bed... I can feel the ingredients going to work and can tell the parasites are trying to run/escape the herbs.
But as they die off it seems like they control my thoughts and visual images (when my eyes are closed)
Last time I had a big die-off... it last for like 15-30 minutes. I had music hallucinations (song stuck in head) and a my eyes were closed I saw images of bugs crawling.
I began sweating and then 20 minutes later it was done. Everything in my body went dead quiet.
haha I know this all sounds creepy... but I believe I experienced a major die-off.
I've also learned that it takes much more than 1 month to treat for heavily manifested parasitic infections.
1 month on humaworm alone will not do the trick.
Some people (especially Lymies) stay on anti-parasitics for up to 6 months. Then take a 1 month break (takes cloves during this time) and continue for 6 more months.
These parasites are masters of survival and they will hide in crevasses in your gut lining.
Happy Hunting.