I cannot believe the stupidity of some of these doctors.
Seems like this one has a very unconscious side in which he secretly wishes harm to come to people.
Personally, I do not believe a regular doctor can help with this disease.
I don't know if you've heard about the Nutritional testing that is available, but the doctors that work with these specialized tests are physicians of Integrative Medicine and are holistically oriented (regular M.D's do not do this testing). You can go to and click on this link to listen to Nancy Guberti speak about the Great Plains Labs – what they test for and why those tests are important for Morgellons sufferers (it's at the bottom of the list of audio's).
Some in the community are going for these tests and being helped. I'm not saying having them can point the way to a cure, but it can sure help you understand just what the weaknesses in the body are so that you can address them. I'm noticing many encouraging changes happening.
Hang onto your life. You are important, valuable if to no one else—than to yourself. Don't be so quick to pull the plug.
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