It is deafening, the media's attempts to
"legitimize" Obama's facade of Christianity.
here is one article from this morning~~
and another~~
I doubt, for me, that anything the media has
to say will convince me after watching Obama
slip up time and time again, (probably during
times when the teleprompter was being serviced)
and he referred himself to his Muslim faith.
The polls are nuts too, one saying 24%
think Obama is a Muslim. They do not emphasize
the number of poll takers who abstained from
answering that question but that in itself
speaks volumes. They did not say they thought
he was a Christian.
This poll puts the believers at an even lower
number, 18% and insists that Obama prays every
Personally, I think Obama prays every day,
as a Muslim, and prays that Americans continue
to think he is a Christian and that the White
House PR campaign convinces them of it before
the November elections...and he faces Mecca
while doing it.
In the next breath, the spinners say its not
really an issue because most Americans are
interested in the economy, etc.
I am in the 11% who believe Obama is a Muslim
by his words and actions. Besides the youtube
videos where Obama is claiming he is a Muslim
himself, I would point to a recent donation of
Taxpayer monies, by Obama, to Kenya~~
"An investigation by three Republican congressmen has revealed the Obama administration has secretly spent $23 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars in Kenya to fund a "Yes" vote on a constitutional referendum scheduled for Aug. 4 that would increase access to abortions in Kenya and establish legal status for Islamic law tribunals."
Note Obama's intent is to establish Sharia law
in Kenya, which with his endorsement of Kagan
for the Supreme Court also signals an intent to
legitimize Sharia in America as well. Google
Sharia in America/United States for much more
In contemplating Mr. Obama's faith, let us
not forget either, that during his swearing
in by Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.,
as President of the United States, Obama did
NOT swear an oath on the Bible...
Moreover than these signs from Obama himself,
lets consider the discussions between him and
his religious advisers~~