Links to the other audios are posted below.
I have previously posted on Trapper's forum a blurb I picked up from another website:
I don't want to spoil the story of Darryl Freck. Its good that you listen to it for yourself.
But this is what I have heard...
Back in the 80s and 90s, Darryl, a farmer, was screwed over by the IRS, bankers and U.S government. His initial claim involved three other people that had the same issues. The number of participants later grew to involve 80 others in a class action law suit. The case was brought to the Denver District Court. He and his fellow participants won the case by default. Means the court was unable to respond to their claims. When this happens then the case is decided by 'default'. There was a settlement hearing scheduled to take place, but 5 days before that hearing, the Denver court dismissed the case! This went against the rules of the court. The case could not be dismissed because it was already determined to be won by the plaintiffs. They then appealed to the Supreme Court, which ordered the Denver Court to reopen the case. There was a hearing date scheduled, but 5 days before the hearing, the Denver Court dismissed the case again!
Again, the participants appealed to the Supreme Court which ordered that the case to be reopened and the U.S. Government had to respond. Again, the case was scheduled for a hearing. But 5 days before this, Janet Reno (1995) sealed the case for reasons of national security. Within a month following Janet Reno's sealing of the case, the particpants were arrested and I think nearly all of them ended up in prison on
Conspiracy charges.
One important fact that was brought out in one of those recordings is that all the 83 participants wanted to be compensated in prescious metal silver/gold coin. To me, this was the more obvious reason why Janet Reno sealed the case and had the participants arrested and imprisoned. Its because the UNITED STATES CORP could not give the people remedy. The U.S. corporation didn't then, and doesn't now, have enough gold and silver to pay off these farmers. Hence, I believe that it was the Trading With the Enemies Act (Conspiracy) which was what the participants were imprisoned for. And as Darryl states, he thinks there are over 300,000 farm claims waiting to be paid on. This is what the Freedom Packs that are spoken of by the entities Casper and Poof (mostly posted over at the website).
As you may know, there are a lot of people teaching the theory of the STRAWMAN and that the UNITED STATES is really a corporation administrating public policy rather than a Constitutional based dejure government.
To me, what Darryl Freck had discovered surrounding the mysterious disappearance of the 13th Amendment and how the District of Columbia became a Corporation established by England... well, Darryl Freck seems to me to be from where these other people (Tim Turner, Winston Shrout and others) have gotten their information that they teach in their seminars. Darryl is the source from where they get their information!
Also it seems to me from Darryl's audio is that, - YES, The Republic is already restored. All that is needed now is to wait for the upcoming stock market crash that will allow the military to move on their orders that have come from the 50 Grand Juries to displace the failed, corrupt and illegal de facto Corporation known as the UNITED STATES.
It also seems to me that Darryl acquired much of his information from his mentor, Roy Schwasinger. In fact, Darryl says that he was videotaping the 17 seminars that Roy was giving back in those days '80-90s. It seems that this is where the realization of all this STRAWMAN stuff has really come from. It remains a mystery as to who Roy Schwasinger really was.
Daryl did all his research on the history of where and when the UNITED STATES CORP was established, and the writing of his Supreme Court case while he was in prison. He does not distinctly come out and clearly say it. But if you listen to all of what he says, one can deduce from it that he was in prison while he did most of his research. The bed bunk from where he heard the voice of an angry Bonnie O'Gay(sp?) and the voices of the Supreme Court Justices speaking with regard to the case he filed with them - this was a bunk bed he occupied while in prison. This is the understanding I get from listening to these audios.
From the audios:
Bringing back this country to the original Constitution & a sound prescious metal back monetary system & kicking all the King's agents (attorneys) out of political positions has been a plan in works for quite some time. It appears to me that everything is in place ready to be finalized. All that is left is to take down the Federal Reserve banking system.
You can find all the audio interview recordings at:
These audios are quite long and drawn out with alot of interruptions and noise coming from the participants on those conference calls. I have been spending quite a bit of time recently to clean these up and put them on mp3 files that I have stored here on curezone.
The audio that you just heard is an excerpt from the 3 1/2 hour recording of a conference call that took place on April 9 2010. I am still working on cleaning up the rest of that recording before I post it here. Curezone won't let me upload files that are greater than 1Gb, so I've been breaking them into part1, part2, and in one case - part3.
The other dates of interest are 4/23(Q&A); 6/18(Q&A) and 7/2/10 (more of Darryl's background from his youth).
Still working on cleaning this one up. But you can go to the above link and listen to it there.
Cheers - turiya