Some Congressmen or someone with clout
better stop this nonsense or BP will get
away with the crime of the Century~~
BP Oil Spill Cover-up-fishermen hired by BP are still finding tar balls—and being instructed to hide their discoveries.
Two weeks ago, as federal officials prepared to declare that some three-quarters of the estimated 5 million barrels of oil released into the Gulf over three months had disappeared, Mark Williams, a fishing boat captain hired by BP to help with the spill cleanup, encountered tar balls as large as three
inches wide floating off the Florida coast.
Reporting his findings to his supervisor, a private consulting company hired by BP, the reply, according to his logbook came back: "Told—no reporting of oil or tar balls anymore. Don't put on report. We're here for boom removal only," referring to the miles of yellow and orange containment barriers placed throughout the Gulf.
the rest of the article~~