fasting usually produces no desire for sexua| activity, as was my own experience.
This is Sheltons experience with his own fasting patients..........
"Hereward Carrington found that all the fasters he questioned said that sexua| intercourse during a prolonged fast becomes a practical impossibility "after the first few days." As he points out this "impotency" is merely a temporary suspension of the sexua| function, for "the function returns, in its full vigor and force, together with hunger." He points out that this lack of sexua| vigor is almost invariably present, irrespective of the vigor of the faster, which may be increased, but that sexua| vigor returns together with hunger and before any food has been ingested. It is true, as he points out, that many cases of impotency of years' standing, and female sterility, are frequently remedied by fasting.
That fasting, usually, in such instances reduces or abolishes sexua| desire and sexua| power in men and women is certain. That this is only temporary is equally certain. On the other hand, some fasters, continue to indulge sexually during the fast while nocturnal emissions are occasionally seen in men, even in advanced fasting. I have made no effort to determine the presence or absence of spermatozoa in such instances.
Reduced or absent sexua| desire and relative sterility form the rule in fasting men and women, but this is by no means an invariable rule. Mr. Johnson, whose fast will be mentioned later, was neither impotent nor sterile during a forty days' fast I supervised for him. One of my women patients was annoyed as much by sexua| desire while fasting as while eating. Another was so annoyed by such desire, we were forced to break the fast. Desire ceased after eating was resumed.
While it seems to be the rule for impotency to develop during a prolonged fast, the sexua| powers return with full, even renewed, vigor with the resumption of eating, often even with the return of hunger. Sometimes there is a brief delay in their return. One elderly patient of mine, who had been impotent for years, quickly regained virility after a fast of thirty-one days. Another case of impotency of several years duration regained potency after only a short fast"...............................