I know it's late-this just happened. Last 5 weeks have been tough as I underwent a spinal fusion surgery and have been useless since. Recovery is very slow. Anyway, we go to bed tonight. As usual, she is sleeping before I surprise at all. The surprise came about half an hour later when she started talking (I'm guessing in her sleep) never heard her do it before-we have been together 1 1/2 yr. She is talking about a picture that we had taken on some rocks/jetty and that there was something wrong with it and needed to be changed and this had something to do with her bros wedding. He isn't engaged and FYI her family doesn't know I exist. We spend every holiday apart and this Xmas her fam went to st Thomas for a week. She recently said her dad has already brought it up for next year. Ok so back to twilight talking.... I have no idea what she is talking about and just yes her. I lean over kiss her and say I love you Kate. She looks right at me and says I love you too Dale-so so much. Which would be beautiful if my name was Dale!!!!! I Am reiady to pull my hair out I am so sad,mad,frustrated all at same time! If anyone is still awake at this crazy hour, anything you could say would help hugely right now. Thanks for listening