I need help in knowing what to do. While on the Mirena(2 years into it) I developed heart palpitations and what felt like anxiety attacks. I can be an anxious person so I did not attribute it to the Mirena until my doctor prescribed an antidepressant and it seemed to make things worse. I decided to not continue but instead change my diet and exercise more. A couple of months later I discovered the forum and thought that maybe this was all due to the Mirena.I had it taken out in May.I felt much improved on removal, until now.
I have written on the forum before and received lots of help. Well, I need more. I am having heart palpitations again and I am NOT anxious or depressed. My blood pressure is alright (120/78) slightly higher than normal but not bad.however My pulse can sometimes jump to 100/101. I will be e-mailing my doctor for more advice, but I am afraid she will give me same advice as before.
Has anyone gone through this? Will it go away? Is is a part of the four month crash? I began to take Magnesium(250mg) to see if that helps and am considering using a natural progesterone cream since this could be due to low progesterone.looking forward to some advice.