For drinking the OO/GJ the best way I have found is to use a straw drinking it as fast as you can in one go without stopping to think (what it tastes like). This way it will be over before you know it.
I remember about a week ago i read on here about ginger and peppermint as suggestions to avoid any nausea, as these will calm the stomach and aid digestion.
I can say that this does work. When I flushed the past Sunday evening I woke up about 1AM with nausea. This has happened before with me, waking up between 3-4 hours after drinking the potion feeling bad, so I knew I would puke up again. But I remembered I had some ginger root so I struggled downstairs and juiced about 2 inched cubed of ginger mixed with water and half hour later i felt better and got back to sleep, and I got stones out still.
Maybe you could even use ginger well in advance such as just before 2pm deadline on the day of flush to help with possible nausea upcoming. This is what I was going to do but decided in the end to use it only if I felt sick after taking the olive oil.
I remember doing the Dr Schulze flush ages ago, which you can use apple or grape juice instead of grapefruit, and with one
inch ginger root juice and garlic juice (5 cloves). In my opinion apple alone makes the olive oil more bearable but with the ginger and garlic too the whole potion tastes a lot different to the standard Clark one and hides the olive oil taste a lot more.