Start here:
And there's great info here:
Here's a HUGE "working FAQ" of Schulze info:
When "digging into Schulze, it's VERY important to know and remember that there's the "old
Dr. Schulze " and the "new
Dr. Schulze ", so be sure to read all the information and links in this post:
You CAN heal yourself! And it does NOT have to be a series of major setbacks and low yielding results. Of course, there's always likely to be a few dips in the road - but a 'steady upward trend' is the rule, rather than the exception! Our natural bodies respond QUICKLY to natural foods and healing protocols that work WITH the body (instead of trying to force it to do something it knows better than to be doing).
It's nothing new - it's just not "upscale" or "vogue", and it's anything but glamorous...and heavens knows, there's never been a Mercedes in the garage of ANY practitioner than consistently healed people naturally.
And it yields "more and better" than anything in the world...because it ensures your FREEDOM (and the freedom of your children!). Because when we're sick and we have to depend upon others, we're weak & helpless (and at their mercy). There's no freedom in that (and no power or victory either). But when you KNOW how to heal your own body (and are 100% in charge of your OWN health), there's really nothing that can stop you from doing and being anything you want (and everything you really are!).
Hippocrates said it centuries ago - "Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food"
Healthiest of blessings,