Hi Guys,
Thanks for your input, good to hear from you. So funny that you both thought my 5-days was a misprint. Despite my first fast of 40-days, i am no marathon faster. I'm just doing this to keep on top of my health (mild PMS and edema problems).
After the big-40-WF, i noticed alot of differences in my general well-being, all for the better. I used to always need hand lotion and regular pedicures - not anymore. My skin is well hydrated without extra help. My digestion and elimination has improved unbelievably, hair and nails are great, and emotionally i feel super. I've gained a crazy inner strength and confidence post-WF that i never even thought would come about.
Refeeding was a mess for a long while, but i learnt a great deal from it. I learnt that i don't tolerate fruit well and that organic vegetables is the way to go! I foolishly believed the hype about organic veggies being not much better than regular produce, so after my big-40-WF, i foolishly ate non-organic veggies and was just not replenishing my nutrition stores. A month after refeedig i still felt very dizzy, could not work my leg muscles without cramping (just climbing two steps!), hair started falling, generally weak. Then i read a post from Chrisb1 about the media trying to bad-mouth the value of organic produce and decided to switch. I did a short digestive rest of 2 days, after which i ate only organic produce and the odd budwig-mix. Took about a week to see an amazing difference. So i can say from personal experience that regular produce is garbage!
Yes, I'm sticking to the 5-days for now. I feel that i need to continue replenishing my nutrients before attempting 10-15 days. Had i re-fed properly from the 40-days i could perhaps handle it, but not yet.
My tendency to edema is proportionate to how well i'm fed nutritionally, so this 5-day is to ensure my GI absorps nutrients as efficiently as possible.
I want to focus on eating properly rather than WF'ing, as I think i've got alot to learn yet about what works for my body... hence the short WF. AFter all, I'm a newbie at Natural Hygiene and Food Combining.
I'm finding it hard to eat well socially - how do you say no to lobster pasta someone spent the whole day preparing? But then i pay for it later.
I'm at the end of Day-3 and yes, the hunger has subsided, thankfully. I'm unusually dizzy, so i know i need to stock up on good food before attempting a longer fast.
I've been reading up on intermittent fasting (warrior diet) on this forum and am thinking i should try that going forward.
Here's a post from someone else:
"One obvious benefit of warrior diet is that it gives the digestive system a long rest which can help rebuild itself and remove toxins. It also means that it allows pancreatic enzymes to play its role in cleaning up the blood (eating high sugars, cooked food a few times a day will consume most of these resources and prevents the enzymes from fulfilling all their functions - as per dr kelley)."
Vidda and Mighty, once again thanks and hope you're both doing well :)