This is the last of a three part
series. Telling in this part is
that the FDA is NOT even testing
for Corexit because they do not
believe it could be an issue,
not are any of the other government
There is also an effort to stop
making the daily impact reports
with the thinking by BP that if
they do not see oil for 3 days in
a row, then the oil is gone.
It makes one wonder what the people on the
Gulf coast who are directly impacted with
this disaster can do to even limit the
Corexit Spraying which they contend is
ongoing. Its ongoing deep in the ocean
and of course, the wording in article is
careful to allude to "surface" spraying
and not to aerial spraying or deepwater
spraying, both which are still ongoing.
What in the world will it take to make
this corporation STOP the use of Corexit??
Transocean, Haliburton, the coast guard, the administration... BP will point the finger at anybody they can.
Hell, they even used their own guy (Tony Hayward) as a scapegoat, although I kinda wish they would have simply tied HIM up and stuck him on a beach in Louisiana.
I'm sure the residents could have figured out what to do with him. BP coulda saved a lot of money on that deal.
If they tied up everyone responsible for this oil spill, and left them on a beach, there wouldn't be enough room on the Gulf beaches for all the stakes.
I think that those that are directly responsible, should be the ones responsible for the cleanup. I wonder if they would be wearing safety gear as they worked with oil and dispersant mix? They should also have to remain in the area, vunerable to every health problem that they have brought down on the rest of the population.
This would serve the purpose of possibly getting some real action on cleanup, and if these people were also vunerable to the toxic dispersants, it might make them rethink the decision to use it. As it is now, these people can go back to their nice clean homes and neighbourhoods, and view their mistakes from a distance. I think it would be better to have them all right on site, up close and personal with the mess they created.
Lets not forget that they have to eat the seafood, and drink the water.
I have been trying to figure out how much room it would take to house 5 million barrels of oil. As far as I've gotten is on barrel contains 55 gallons.
So you get 275000000 gallons.
I can't wrap my head around it.