They are reopening the beaches and fishing based on visual observation alone. That is criminally insane. You can't see the up to 97% of the oil that is estimated to have never made it to the surface nor can you see what has made it to the surface and either been sunk or dispersed into particles so tiny that they aren't readily observable. Neither can you see all of the oil and tarballs that have been plowed under with clean sand on the beaches.
You couldn't pay me to go to the gulf beaches and swim in that water and you won't see me eating any fish unless I know for sure that it did not come from the gulf either. You might as well be going to a swim party and fish fry on the Love Canal.
If anyone ever doubted that our government has long since sold out to special interests, and put our health and welfare behind the profits of their true masters, what has happened in the gulf and continues to happen should put that to rest.