I just finished another flush, maybe #12 as I lost count.
Anyway in the past I have had some anal/anus burning with elimination
during the flush. I have read that it could be citrus juice from
the grapefruit juice, but I have had many flushes with no burn so
I figure it is not the juice.
This last flush I had a lot of burn, almost like there was sand paper coming out.
I have read about gravel coming out and have had some before.
But this flush I had lots (many hundreds to a few thousand) very little hard, tan stones come out.
I figure that was the cause of the burn as there was so much of this gravel that
it actually was irritating my tush.
I applied aloe vera and that helped right away.
If I am off base on this I would greatly appreciate any input and would like
to avoid the burn in the future.