Hello all,
After some very intensive liver work - a big flush every day for 3 weeks - I thought that it would be now time to take care of poor kidneys. I suffer from frequent urination and occasional burning since monthes now, but I thought decongesting the liver was the priority.
I am juice fasting since almost 7 weeks now, with cucumbers, celery, and parsley daily: that is the only kidney work that I've done so far.
So, 2 days ago, I've started taking a product which contains gravel root, lemon balm, marshmallow root, parsley root, dandelion... www.iherb.com/Planetary-Herbals-Stone-Free-820-mg-90-Tablets/1609. I noticed an increase in urine production of course, and some occasional burning while peing.
Today, I also started to take a kidney tincture similar to Schulze's. The burning intensified, quite a lot actually, even when not peing, and so does the amount of urine produced. I sometimes go every 10 minutes.
I'm starting to worry whether it is normal detoxification symptoms or it is my kidneys that suffer too much and are about to fail. I have to say I don't have any pain in kidneys or back. I can't see anywhere people talking about detoxification symptoms while doing a kidney cleanse, apart from the pain experienced when passing stones and the increase of urine production of course. I don't think I have stones due to the huge amount of malic acid and lemons I've taken since monthes now. So what could be the cause of those symptoms (the burning) if I don't have any stones?
It could be great if someone could answer this quickly, as I really need to know if I'm doing more harm than good now!
Hi Kcirla,
First off let me congratulate you on 7 weeks of juice fasting! WOW!!!
I'm sorry you're in such pain while doing a kidney cleanse but honey, I've looked at what you're using and it doesn't even have any juniper berries in it. Dr. Schulze doubled the juniper berries in his kidney cleanse formula because juniper berries are a disinfectant and are very important when you're releasing toxins from the kidneys.
Here are Dr. Schulze formula's for the Kidney Tea and Kidney Tincture. You can see when you compare what you're taking to Dr. Schulze's formulas that you aren't getting what you need. Not to mention that the description on the stuff you bought says nothing about it being organic and you can be assured that when you buy 'herbs' in pill form you are NOT getting what we refer to as herbs.
Kidney Tea
2 Juniper berries
1 Cornsilk
1 Uva Ursi
1 Parsley root
1 Parsley leaf
1 Dandelion root
1 Dandelion leaf
1 Horsetail grass
1 Goldenrod flowers
1 Hydrangea root
1 Gravel Root
1 Marshmallow root
1 Peppermint leaf
1 Orange peel
Kidney Tincture
2 Juniper berry
1 Uva Ursi
1 Cornsilk
1 Horsetail
1 Burdock
1 Pipsissewa
1 Goldenrod flower
1 Parsley root
It sounds like you're dissolving kidney stones and the products you've chosen to use don't have the correct herbs in them for the support you need plus there is no telling how toxic they might be. You didn't provide a link to the tincture you're using that is 'similar' to Dr. Schulze's Kidney tincture. One thing you can be assured of when using a product from Uny or from Dr. Schulze is that the herbs are organic and the best that is available.
Uny just posted an FAQ about herbal quality that is very important information.
[FAQ] HERBAL QUALITY working file thread
I don't know if you have the link to the Kidney Cleanse File, if you don't you need to read it. You need to be taking the morning drink every morning, it is a very important part of the cleanse. Kidney Cleanse Document
If you want to do a good kidney cleanse that will truly cleanse your kidneys then I suggest you order the Kidney Tea and Kidney Tincture from Uny, or you can order them from Dr. Schulze but you'd pay waaaay more for them.
I did a 5 day kidney cleanse I ordered from Uny and I felt FANTASTIC the whole way through it, in fact the day after I finished the cleanse I missed doing it. I still sometimes drink the morning drink because I love it. I ordered a 10 day cleanse because I felt like the 5 day wasn't enough but before I could use it my son needed it so I gave it to him, guess I'll have to order again lol. It really is that good!
Kcirla honey, it really IS important that we don't use toxic products to cleanse our bodies, we need to use the BEST we can get and we need to do enough.