Umm I'm kinda freaking out.
My AF is waaaaaay better, BUT, I just started my 2nd period this month...WTF?! Have any other ladies have this issue?? This has NEVER happened to me before. I'm on the pregnelone...maybe this is the cause? I'm thinking I should stop this?? It's the only thing I can think of that would cause this kind of issue. I did start thyroid treatment as well though, finally got the T3 about 2-3weeks ago..
I could just cry right now. I'm freaking out, I don't know what's going on...
I have also been getting headaches, not severe, but slightly, almost every day...
I haven't had this experience, but I know things got messed up when I went on thyroid meds for a bit. Anything that messes with your hormones (and you have two things doing that) can create this kind of thing. It is good to ask around, but you may have to give it a month for things to settle. Dr. Lam's forum would be a good place to ask.
Thank you...Lam hasn't been much help to me, but I have asked around...I found another site on hormones, I'm just panicking right now, I hate getting my period, and 2 in one month is like sending me straight to hell...
OMG thank you. Yes, please send me a message, let me know how things went...
I know my AF is getting better, I feel a lot better. I'm not crashing, not as tired, not as bad brain fog, etc., but I am still very concerned..