When I first started doing
Liver Flushes I had problems with nausea - it was mostly because I still had partly digested food in my upper intestine so the OG mix tended to come back up instead of being released into the intestine. This got better after several flushes and then I could avoid vomiting by just sitting up until the nausea passed and by massaging my upper abdomen to help clear out some of the congestion in my intestine. I learned to take a magnesium laxative the night before starting the flush and to fast the day of the flush and drink lots of water and prune juice, also I started taking a herbal laxative with the
Epsom Salts doses. Also I put about a teaspoon of Peppermint Milk of Magnesia with a little less than 1 tablespoon of
Epsom Salts in 1 cup water for the ES doses.
The congestion in the small intestine was being caused by Gluten intolerance (Celiac Disease) and other
food allergies and intolerances.