To DaiseyLou1976 -
"Congratulations on your fasting!! 23 days is a great accomplishment."
Actually as I said yesterday, last night was the end of my 24th day, so today is day 25, so when I break my fast tonight with diluted juice, it will be 25 days. My original plan was 28 not 25 but I am stopping at 25 so I can see my family on what would have been the 28th day.
"How are you feeling physically and emotionally?"
As I said in my opening post, I am feeling very good emotionally and I am also feeling good physically. In fact, were it not for my plans in three days, I would not want to break the fast now and I am in no hurry to do it.
"Do you think you will fast again?"
I have planned a 2.5 month post-fast diet, and I believe that if I'm able to stick to my post-fast diet I will have accomplished everything I want to with my fast, so another fast will be unnecessary.
I will only fast again if I have problems.
I do not think fasting repeatedly for weightloss is a good idea, which I explained in some detail here:
I think, a diet followed by a fast followed by an extremely strict diet utilizing the advantages one has gained from fasting is the best way to do it to maintain overall physical health so that is how I am going to try to do it. And so far things have gone well.
"Best of luck at your family gathering."
Thank you. I used to be the skinniest person in my family and among my friends, and gaining weight was a huge blow not only to my self esteem and feeling of social status, but to my basic social identity. Then I went to being on the heavier side among them (my family and friends however are not big people by American standards - no one is in the obese range). I feel good that I'll get to go back looking a lot better than the last time I saw them.
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