Hi, Mary
I have tried Certain Dry, but it didn’t work. I smelt worst when I wore Certain Dry, and it was unsuccessful with controlling my sweating. I think Certain Dry works well for an individual that has minimal sweating and minimal odor.
My smell is intense, it smells like deodorant, and sometimes it smells musty even after bathing. During the summer months, I’ll use Body Mint. It’s an odor reducing tablets, and it helps. After two-three weeks of taking Body Mint, it reduces my odor, drastically. However, I’m picky and want the odor gone completely.
Also, I’ve tried the crystal deodorant. I purchased the odor blocking crystal from CVS, but the product didn’t work. If a person is unable to see a dermatologist to acquire a prescription, there are online merchants that sell Drysol (amazon and westcoastskin).
Some people don’t have health insurance or cash to visit a dermatologist or specialist. You guys can try the websites listed above. I know dermatologist can be costly without health insurance because I paid one hundred and fifty dollars for the visit; in addition, to the medication which was thirty-five dollars.
Oh, thanks for responding Mary
It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only person with this underarm odor problem.