uric acid within the body is a product of purine metabolism.
All foods contain purines, but some have a much higher proportion than others and usually are high-protein foods: these include organ meats like kidney, fish, mackerel, herring, sardines, mussels, and also yeast.
Some recent research by Choi and others has shown that the impact of plant purines on gout risk is very different from the impact of animal purines, and that within the animal food family, purines from meat and fish act very differently than purines from dairy.
Choi's work has demonstrated that purines from meat and fish clearly increase our risk of gout, while purines from vegetables fail to change our risk. Dairy foods (which can contain purines) actually appear to lower our risk of gout. This research (on tens of thousands of men and women) makes it clear that all purine-containing foods are not the same, and that plant purines are far safer than meat and fish purines in terms of gout risk...................
Choi, H. K., K. Atkinson, E. W. Karlson, W. Willett, and G. Curhan. "Purine-Rich Foods, Dairy and Protein Intake, and the Risk of Gout in Men." N Engl J Med. 2004 350(11): 1093-103.
Choi, H. K., S. Liu, and G. Curhan. "Intake of Purine-Rich Foods, Protein, and Dairy Products and Relationship to Serum Levels of Uric Acid: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey."
Arthritis Rheum. (2005). 52(1): 283-9.
So, much depends on your pre-fast diet as to whether you are a meat-eater or vegan/vegetarian.
Another issue is whether your kidneys and Liver are dealing with the excess of uric acid, and if not, this will lead to higher levels of uric acid than should be the case.
Humans also do not possess the enzyme "uricase" to break down uric acid.......................
"Of all animals that include meat in their diet, man is the only animal that is unable to break down uric acid to allantoin. This is due to the fact that man does not possess the necessary enzyme uricase. This leads to an increased possibility of an accumulation of uric acid in the body when animal products are eaten. (Uric acid is an intermediary product of metabolism that is associated with various pathological states, including gout".)..........
Dr. Alan Goldhamer.
"I have conducted over thirty thousand fasts during the past half-century in people of all ages, in both sexes, and in many different conditions. These have ranged from a few days in duration to one fast of ninety days. In all this time, in all this vast throng of fasters, I have not seen gout develop in one faster. I have seen fasters recover from gout while they fasted, but nobody developed the disease.".......................
Persevere with your fast and then adhere to a plant-based diet, and your risk of again developing gout will be minimized if not eliminated altogether.