We did the permanent thing. We looked at the copper IUD and Essure, but my husband said I was done carrying the burden and that he was going for the snip, and that it was his decision. We have 4 little ones (well the oldest is a teenager, so not so little anymore) but it still seemed so major to do something "permanent." But it was the best thing we ever did! The more I think about my reaction to the Mirena, the more I'm glad I didn't opt for the other IUD (since my body is already having an autoimmune reaction to the other one), or the Essure, since I would still have metal in me. I know that tubal ligation can cause hormone imbalance (well it did with my cousin), so I'm glad I didn't try that. My body is taking a long time to heal. I'm glad I'm not doing anything to hinder it.
It's a hard decision with not the greatest options - best of luck!