dear steps ahead...
i'm not here to offer compassion or answers I just want to
say " I BELIEVE YOU " and hope that your coming out has
unburdened your shoulders of a very heavy cape/cloak and
that you are lighter for it. It's good to have opened the
box to share with others who might relate to
your story and feel less isolated from their own
by hearing yours. thank you.
There are people who talk so openly about aliens as if
they were talking about the
very relaxed, easy and blase about it in the right
accepting one another.
And i think that's where the difference and difficulty is
if you can't trust anyone to communicate freely with;
personal experiences packed away in boxes turn into
hairier and hairier monsters and can make things appear
worse and more confusing over time.
Reassurance gained and fear can be diluted if we have some
understanding as to why these things have happened but
then you will have people respond to you with different
views and opinions..and can confuse you more...i guess
whats important is how you yourself feel towards it.
Personally I felt those who visited me were "familiar" too
and i was not scared infact the opposite i had genuine
affection although there was part of my awareness that
registered the " extraordinary strangeness of the
situation". As bizarre and unsettling as it was
returning to the memory of My feelings as a true gadge and
register of my genuine relationship with my visitors
helped. my waking rational mind can often lead me into
troubled waters when if i listened to my heart more it
does tell a different story and not one of 100% fear that
my mind can tell me.
The mali tribe, the caves, held an odd fascination for me
for a good while fresh after the incidences and still does
aswell.....dolphin/shark skin no pores/hairs/ bones.
Your visitor who wore a sombreo hat? my visitor,
who accompanied a taller being carrying a brief case and i
termed as the dr, wore an ill fitting WIG and poor attempt
of bright red lipstick!??? I can only assume it was trying
to pass as female? Ludicrous i know..all the more when
for a brief comic moment considered that this
androgenous alien didn't even make a convincing
"transvestite"?!!! I was staring at an ALIEN for crying
out loud, how did it think A WIG and pillar box red
lipstick would make it anywhere NEAR HUMAN??! i kind of
felt amused, endeared, uncomfortably disturbed and
embaressed for it all at once!
Anyway...Like spirit, aliens are able to channel
through a human being....and step out when some
information has been relayed. mediums sometimes have no
recollection of what has occured or what has been said. A
friend in the infancy of her mediumship as i turned to say
goodbye after a visit said something to me so astonishing
and out of the blue i was stuck for something to say and
ignored it and carried through with a hug and a wave...had
I just imagined it?... a few weeks later what she said
came to pass..princess diana was killed in france...!!!
she has zero recollection!
The point is steps ahead you are communicating a
language "unknown" to your friend and "yourself", your
voice altered in tone and sound and was unfamiliar to your
mum.....your "other abilities"? i don't know what they
are but to you they are unusual.....would you explore them
consider to refine them for whatever reason..? would your
intention and motivation be integrous?
The people who do speak more freely about this topic area
are those who are more open minded and work in spiritual
and healing alternative therapy was such a
relief to me when after years of silence and not
approaching the alien subject a multidimensional vortex
healer announced that she saw images of ufo ships above popped the balloon of my silence, the key turned
and a boxs was opened..
It was just cool to come face to face with another human
who understood and had a positive viewpoint regarding it.
It melted much of the anxiety and the inner tension and
uncertainty of keeping the knowledge of my alien
experiences to myself.