Hey guys, I have started a
Water Fast on July 1. This is the first long term fast that I have done.
Day one was good, I was very sleepy during the late afternoon.
Day two was great, not tired at all! I feel great, had a bit of a headache, but took some advil. Is that ok?
I haven't had time to go through all of the forums here, but I'm sure i'll find all the information and answers to my questions.
I am not fasting for religious reasons. I am very overweight and need to lose a lot of weight. I plan on doing 31 days ( the month of July). I am in good health otherwise. I am female and 34, my starting weight is (deep breath)... 295!
I am wanting to do some exercise also, mostly walking and light weights to tone.
I am just amazed at all the health benefits that come along with fasting, not just the weight loss but it really seems like a cure all so to speak. I cant wait to go through the process and feel great at the end.
Thanks for reading, and your support. Any tips and advice would be welcome.
Daisy :)