Thanks to you all for responding. It seemed like my adrenals had recovered in the four months since Feb, as I said, I only had ringing in the ears and a little sleep disturbance. Otherwise, I was feeling great. I thought a coffee enema, which I had not done since my adrenals had gotten weak, would clear up my liver so I would sleep better, etc.
When the adrenals nosedived in February, I went on an adrenal support and the Max Stress B from Healthline, Bob Marshalls' company. This adrenal complex has Opuntia Cactus, bladderwack, burdock,skullcap, and quite a few other ingredients. I was taking a whole food Vit C (small dosage), Magnesium/Calcium, progesterone cream. This time around I am taking the same adrenal complex, max stress B,the same progesterone cream, coral calcium, magnesium glyc, ascorbyl palmitate vit C, & pantethine. I have to start on low dosages and work my way up to avoid an anxious reaction. I am on low dosages of each of the last 5 items and will increase one at a time so I know how I react to each one.
At the time my adrenals crashed in February, I had done some major detox programs and was having major stress. Obviously, my body/adrenals couldn't handle it.