i live in a house with my two daughters. i have not had sex in over a year. my 15 year old has been sexually active. my 11 year old has played with other girls (yes, genital to genital contact).
i have found out that both of my girls have used my vibrator, and we have all shared razors and i'm wondering if one of us could have transferred something to the other two.
my youngest daughter (she has had her period) went to the gynecologist today because of some complaints and got tested for STDs while she was there.
i'm going to make appointments for my other daughter and i, but i was curious as to how long STDs can live on an inanimate object for them to be transferred.
in the past few days, i have been itching at my bikini line. and tonight, i looked and saw that i have bumps there. they don't look like razor bumps, they are irregularly shaped, flesh colored,and do not seem to have a center, or head like an ingrown hair. and they feel more like an itch that can't be scratched instead of "pain". they don't look as bad as some of the herpes pictures i've seen. and none go onto my vulva, or labia and i actually have had cold sores on my mouth since i was a kid. so i think i know what it would feel like if it was genital herpes, (tender to the touch and would feel painful and i think it would be just about impossible to feel fabric against it, or let me scratch(rub) them without feeling like i would be ripping my skin off.
so, are there diseases or contagious conditions that one of us could have given the other?