I'm on the 5th day of the plan and I've developed a fever, sore throat, and diarrhea. These seem like normal die off effects but I also noticed something odd in my journal. Last night I ate 1lb of Organic Chicken thighs which I boiled for 10 minutes, then broiled for another 15 minutes. I season them with cayenne and salt.
Before I started the plan and had a lot of GI problems, eating organic chicken thighs caused the same symptoms. (Diarrhea, fever, stomach ache). Does this make any sense? The odd thing is that I've eaten Wendy's and McDonald's chicken burgers before restarting the plan (when my stomach health was poor) and the reaction was much better than to my chicken cooked at home. Is there any reason why this might be the case? Are there specific toxins whose residue after being cooked could cause this? Or is it just a weird coincidence? I'm running out of food options as I'm very intolerant of fruit and even brown rice at this point. I try not to eat more than 4 servings of fish a week and I'm pretty much left with steak/eggs/lamb. Also my options for coldwater shellfish are limited as I've realized the lobster and shrimp I come by normally are actually warm water.