I just ordered Humaworm last night in an act of desperation. I have been having digestive problems since May 2009. During that time, I went to Cabo with my boyfriend and the 2nd to last day I got extremely bloated and constipated. Since then, I've had tons of digestive problems that no one can seem to figure out--I've seen 4 different gastro's, had a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, hida scan, stool samples and other tests I don't even know the name of. Until that point, I never had any digestive issues. I've tried eliminating certain foods with little relief, I did the candida diet and took Nystatin with relief only in the beginning then the problems returned. I have had digestive problems every single day since that time--with maybe a few days of relief here and there. This is just crazy. The dr's tried to tell me it's IBS but if i've never had these issues before, then why would I suddenly have them now???
The only thing I keep coming back to is Cabo. I must have gotten a parasite but after blood tests and stool samples all coming back with no sign of parasites, I feel like I'm taking a shot in the dark. For whatever reason, the constipation is no longer a problem but I have painful trapped gas all day everyday, with bloating and frequent urination moreso in the evenings.The only time I feel ok is in the morning but once I eat...it all starts again.
Do you think parasites are the culprit? No one can seem to give me a definitive answer and am at wits end with this going on for over a year with no answer's or relief. It's completely interfered with my life. I work full time and go to school full time and I rarely have sex with my boyfriend anymore because I'm so uncomfortable all the time. I feel horrible and dull and boring. I don't even hang out with friends anymore because it's not enjoyable feeling this way.