Your comment makes a person wonder why a short article, like the Lancet article you mention, would completely change your mind about the major health benefits received from a liver flush(es) unless you ALREADY BELIEVED the conclusions of that article.
Then it seems the Lancet article supported an already strong belief of yours.
If you really had thought about trying a
Liver Flush and the Lancet article was interesting to you and you want to read further about the article, then go to the"
Liver Flush Debate Forum". Many aspects of this particular Lancet article are discussed in great detail, both for and against, throughout 7 pages of debate in that Forum. The original Lancet article was posted on the first line of page 25 by the Webmaster. It says, "Could these be Gallstones? The Lancet Volune 365, Number 9468 16 April 2 (by Webmaster). Go to that debate Forum and click on page 25 and continue reading to page 32.
After you type in the name of the Forum in the Search box (near top right), make sure that one of the first few hits you see and click on takes you to the "
Liver Flush and
Liver Cleansing Debate:..." and then click on p.25. (Or click on link below-maybe there are other shortcuts to that debate Forum, I don't know.)
It doesn't hurt to sift through more information. Make up your own mind.