Bless your heart Kathy, I am so sorry to hear this. Let me do some research on this and will get back to you. Tony may beat me too it though, he probably knows what you should do off the top of his head.
In the meantime, rest and pamper yourself the best you can. I cannot imagine the pain that you are going through. My prayers and good thoughts are with you.
Uniquity makes a Deep tissue repair oil and I've had really good healing response from bruises with NatraBio The Rub Arnica lotion. But since you've broken ribs, I'd get some BF&C tincture and oil from Uniquity. That has comfrey which is vital for healing bones. You also might want to get some solomon's seal root tincture too.
Good heavens Kathy, this is one time when you are entitled to act like a baby. I cannot imagine the pain you are in.
Okay......... Proteins and minerals are very important when it comes to healing bones. Calcium, magnesium and silica are essential for this purpose.
Plant derived trace minerals will also facilitate healing. Green food supplements rich in chlorophyll will also help.
Glucosamine and chondroitin will facilitate healng and strengthen the bones.
Horsetail baths will help to reduce inflammation and swelling around the bone. Put five drops of horsetail oil in your bath water.
Apply a comfrey tincture to your rib area., and follow up with herbal packs of goldenrod.
Get some sunlight to facilitate natural Vitamin D production, about 30 minutes daily. This will also help with absorption of calcium and bone healing.
These suggestions should help you Kathy, and I hope that you are feeling better soon. Pamper yourself anyway you can, and let me know how you are doing.
Bless your heart. I can just imagine. And then I cringe. My heart goes out to you Kathy.
Please keep us posted on how you are doing, and my prayers and thoughts are going out to you.
You've had some good suggestions already looks like. As Lolite pointed out, Uny makes some good products that should help. There is also Dr. Christopher's Skin, Bone and Tissue capsules which are reputed to be very good for bone healing and I have seen reports that a similar product available from MH here at CureZone is very good too.
Though certainly not everything in the following article may apply to you (it is about osteoporosis), it contains quite a bit of information about things that help produce and maintain strong bones:
Certainly the major bone minerals calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are important as are all the trace minerals. You may wish to take your magnesium (which is an essential mineral, a vital co-factor for calcium and most of us are deficient in it) in the form of magnesium oil and rub it gently over the area of the broken rib, as it is also a good pain reliever. I also suggest silica, GTF chromium, Vitamin K and a bit of daily mid-day sunshine for Vitamin D3.
The main thing broken bones need is rest and keeping from re-aggravating the break. Rest is the great healer you know. In time you should be fine.
All the best,