Miss Helfinger
I know that a slant board and the eyebright formula were both used. Reclining and giving your eyes more circulation is good for the process. Schulze mentioned, I think in the SYL manual but I can't remember, about tilting your bed just the smallest bit so that your eyes were getting more circulation. That and taking eyebright tincture externally and internally. Cayenne internally as well for circulation. It also helps with anxiety too! And the cleaner your colon and liver are the easier it'll be to quell myopia and anything else. I've read that putting a smidge of castor oil in your eyes at night is helpful. I'd only do organic, though. Putting just that smidge is supposed to help lubricate and repair the eyes and I think kill little buggies that cause them to deteriorate. I did it for many nights a while back and like I'd read my eyes were whiter and way less yellow in just days. Carrot
juicing as well will help. Look up 'Doctrine of Signatures'. It's the way in which we can tell which foods in nature are helpful for which part of the body. Well - they're all helpful in lots of ways but for instance - if you slice a carrot and look 'down' it - it looks like an eye. Good eye food. I'd also google eye health, what veggies & fruits are good for it and then I'd be
juicing with them along with the descriptions above. :)
To your clear eyes!