I just got the LWM4 water machine and made I have been playing around with it and made a few gallons of distilled water. The instructions that came with it are not really that great and I can't get a hold of the manufacture... phone always goes to voicemail.
I wanted to ask, what is the best temperature to keep the water at in the main pot? I read that if it's too hot, it could burn out the heaters, but it doesn't say what too hot is. Should I get a candy thermometer and fine tune it that way?
Also... is the purpose of keeping water flowing in the machine only to keep the water in the pot from getting too hot? Why not let the runoff cool off and recycle it through the machine? It seems like an awful waste of a good 15+ gallons of water for ever gallon of distilled water you make. I ended up dumping it in my wash machine for the next time I washed clothes.
It seems like trickery to get the water flow adjusted just right. I would fancy making a device with a digital thermometer in it that opened the valve a bit more when the temperature got too warm and restricted it when it got too cool, thus being able to set and forget without worrying about something going wrong.
Lastly, I'm a bit confused as to what makes makes this the Rolls Royce of water purifiers. I took the heater apart and all it has are 2 black half-spheres on the side and the tube running out the top for distilled water. Is the only thing that makes this so different is the fact the steam passes by the UV bulb? I have an ozone generator and familiar with what ozone smells like and I don't smell any ozone comming from the machine. How does this put extra oxygen in the water? I'm confused. I made some ice cubes with the distilled water, but never saw any of the "fingers" or anything that made it look much different than tap-water. Am I doing something wrong?
Other than that, the water tastes just fine. It just tastes like really good filtered water.
Also, lastly, I have a Vitalizer Plus and was wondering if it should make any difference to run the distilled water in this machine afterwards. I welcome other's stories and experiences and hopefully advice on how to use this thing that looks halfway like a flux capacitor and makes me look halfway like a mad scientist.