My f165 and bean went in the mail yesterday. I should have it tomorrow.
I have to admit I am quite overwhelmed about how to start.
I am also getting really angry too. It actually feels good that I can blame the critters and the metals for these emotions and lack of ability to process the information that I have been reading and you guys won't think I am a nut case.
A few of you have been telling me a few of things that I should have on hand and then also start taking right away. It seems my pattern is get overwhelmed right into inaction.
So I gather I should:
1. start chelating with ala as soon as i start. Dowse for dosage and take it on a 3 hour schedule (cutler)? and just keep chelating away?
2. this is where my brain starts blanking out on all the other things I need to have on hand and be dowsing for
R+ ala
coral calcium
Johng gave me this list:
Tri-boron to chelate aluminum, guar gum for aluminum dumps, maca for tin, R+LA for tin too I think, pharma vit c + calcium carb for lead, life time coral calcium for lead and copper, cilantro tincture for tellurium, Tell 12x, alumina 30c and 6c, magnesium malate (AOR brand best)... and others that since I just woke up I can't quite remember.
do I need to have all of this right away?
is there a have to have list so I don't get started and be caught off guard...?
I live in a town where most of the stuff I can get easily at Vitamin Cottage or Whole Paycheck
is this list changing?
dowse to see what works best for me? ie brand
I have ala and dmsa from vrp already
Iodoral and
SSKI and magnescent iodine
and more
3. I found doctrine v2.02 and have that ready to go
4. I don't feel like I have full sense of the gamut of what I should be dowsing for
ie. I have read about people having a copper dump and then cleaning it up with the right supp. How did you know you had a copper dump? Did you have a detox symptom and then dowse to see what was going on? or do you have a dowsing flowchart that you follow to check in with your body and see what is being worked???
anyway, I think this is all I will ask for the moment....
sorry if I am asking questions that have been answered many times already......