Well, I wouldn't lose sleep over it and I believe it is very unlikely that you have contracted herpes from her.
Having said that, it IS possible, just unlikely. About 20% of all American adults have Herpes Simplex 2 (genital). Men do not acquire it as easily as women. If your sex partner is having an outbreak your chances of catching it are greatly increased. Some folks are contagious even when they have no symptoms of herpes. But most are not. It depends on whether they are shedding active viruses.
Also, if you practice oral sex on someone with genital herpes, the infection may affect the mouth or lips and that is where your outbreaks would mostly occur.
Most people with herpes do not realize they have it, about 90%. So these people are having sex with other partners and may be infectious. Just because you don't have any symptoms doesn't mean you can't spread the disease.
I have genital herpes. I had it for years before I realized what I had. Last year it was diagnosed and I have been on acyclovir ever since. Have not had an outbreak since. During the years that I had outbreaks I never had sex with anyone during an outbreak, and nobody ever caught anything from me. I know this because they all got tested after I told them I had tested positive, and all were negative.
In addition to taking my suppressant drug, I am also treating myself with
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 1 and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 2. I expect that the next time I'm tested I'll have no trace of the virus.
Best of luck.