There are benign spiritual forces involved in our life that do care about us and there are other spiritual forces that operate from a less than benign perspective. One would believe God is perfect if they went to the other side and watched the mechanisms there. Everything there makes the reasons for coming here so clear but there is a door on the other side behind which is a dark pit, where justice are the lessons learned behind it, a place where every action is returned with an often cruel but equal and opposite reaction.
Some say God created that door but I know the personality of the light... She is a good mother... She would never leave a pit in the middle of her living room. He would not create such a place where everything dies... but she is an evolving God... in the dimension of time...He is learning that justice is not love... Who would leave vipers in the paths of their children? Who truly would kill his own son?
For the evolving God, we are but chess pieces or actors he created for his amusement... but one day soon the evolving God's game will be over because his chess pieces will refuse to play in this land of shadows... The pawns in his game are evolving too...
We souls who have been tested in this burning dimension are creating another dimension where lessons do not end with disease ravaging our bodies... Souls are divorcing the immature God of Justice and in its stead are choosing a better God... Souls are finally realizing the God who created their physical world kills their children for his amusement. There are better lessons to learn than the lessons of tears and pain... There are better places to go than the chessboard of justice... There is joy and towering joy.
If you have children or have ever borrowed any.... please let them know... once they have arrive here that just as there is a dark door that opens to the lessons of justice... they should begin looking for other doors the souls of the chess pieces have created... where death and dying are no more... The new dimension is built in a medium where the immature God's sense of justice is not a factor... In the fields of the new earth, there are rivers of pure cascading love.... where our sadness has turned to gladness... where each of us operates not from a sense of justice but rather from our joy... The new earth is not really a different earth though but rather a transformed earth that sits right beside this dimension of earth known for her justice...
Just as there are different lessons to learn in school, those who are ready to move on to joy and then towering joy must know where the new schoolroom is... This is the secret... Inside each of us is a light that will never know pain... We must teach our souls that it is not right to hurt the bodies they keep falling into. It is not right to keep coming here and sending our children here without sending them on to the higher lessons of towering joy. There must one day come an end to lessons that end with tears.
We physical bodies die and our souls often treat us as yesterday's news... just a vehicle for their lessons... but the same souls have bodies who mourn when their puppy dies... because those bodies know they will soon be dead too... If we souls will have empathy, compassion and show mercy for our own physical bodies and the bodies of other souls then we can move on to those higher lessons... and we can take our bodies(disease and death free) into a slightly higher dimension of the earth where death and disease are no more.
This dimension is mostly 2/3rds light but the next evolution of earth is .7 light. It seems like there is not much difference but the differences are profound.
In this dimension of earth, there is pure light energy that are our spirits and souls, made out of the very substance of the light, but there is also the physical aspect of ourselves in this dimension that dies...Through the door of the next dimension of joy.... where our souls may journey... we souls are more connected to our bodies... or merged might be a better word... If our souls never have empathy for our bodies and the physical world around us then we are simply not allowed to move on through the door to the next school.
We still have free will in the next world but rather than operating from the lessons of justice, in the transformed earth we souls will operate from a place of empathy for ourselves and others... and compassion for the other souls and spirits that surround us...
To escape the chess game of war and death, tears and suffering, we need only learn mercy and forgiveness in this life... for ourselves and others, to enter the world where loving kindness and compassion is the central focus of our life... We should be preparing our souls for the next lesson and moving beyond these lessons filled with tears... In the new dimension of earth our tears have turned to dances.... The door is opening soon in a world near you... Let your tears turn to dances and you are already there... enter in...