I have battled gallbladder pain since I started liver cleansing about a year and a half ago. Have had all the medical tests done to see if maybe a stone was stuck or something else was wrong. Everything has come back normal. A physician acquaintance suggested that maybe it is post shingles pain running through the dermatome that goes from the back to the flank area. I think he is right because it is always a burning pain and not really associated with anything I eat.
About a month and a half ago it got really bad. I tried more liver flushing and was in a lot of pain. Then, the pain moved to my neck also and has stayed. Burning pain. I saw the chiropractor and he adjusted me and the gallbladder pain was terrible that night, but the next day it just went away. The neck pain has persisted even with adjustments and acupuncture, so now the chiro is thinking it is shingles that has migrated to the neck area. He is having me take B12 and lysine and C.
What would be the protocol for taking your formulas? Would I take a round of Humaworm before taking the anti-viral?
Will it make the shingles worse? I don't think I can take much more :( This has been a real trial. I had a tick related illness last summer and wonder if that is contributing to this misery. I just went gluten free about the same time all of this started, so wondering if my body is trying to detox something out.
Thanks much,